來源: 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 2020-03-23 09:10:05 頻道: 新概念

Taking only a minute to enjoy something simple could be the difference between a so-so day, and an extraordinary one. In our crazy-busy and overstimulating world it's easy to overlook the small things we do on a regular basis that could fill the day with joy. We've thought of a few pieces of your routine that could become the best part of your day. Take a look and tell us what simple pleasure makes you happy。


1.Your Morning Cup 活力早餐飲 Whether you have coffee or tea, black or sweetened, that first morning sip can be a wonderful wakeup call. As the warmth fills and awakens you, take the time to think of something you're looking forward to that day. 無論你喝咖啡還是茶,是否加糖,早上的第一杯飲料可以成為一天美好的開始。當香醇充盈在你的呼吸里,將你的活力喚醒的時候,花點時間想想今天你有什么期待。

2.Your Commute 你的通勤方式 The time it takes you to get to and from work is an excellent time to clear your mind so you're ready to be productive in the morning or leave work stress behind as you head home. 上班下班途中的時間是你清醒頭腦的絕好時機。這樣做可以使你準備好一早上高效率的工作,或者在回家路上甩掉一天的工作壓力。

3. Laughter 開懷一笑 Don't underestimate the power of a good laugh -- you know, one that leaves your tummy hurting. In one feel-good action you can relieve stress, help your sleeping habits and even build up your immune system. 別低估了開懷一笑的魔力——要笑到肚子疼的那種笑,你懂的。開懷一笑能給你舒緩壓力,促進睡眠,甚至可以強健免疫系統(tǒng)。

4. A Quiet Place To Sit 安靜的一個人坐會兒 You are probably constantly walking through public spaces without even noticing. A park bench or building steps can be the most relaxing areas to really stop and just watch the world go by for a moment. 也許你常常匆匆路過,根本沒有注意過這些地方:一張公園長椅或公共建筑物的樓梯可以成為最休閑的場所,你可以真正停下腳步,只靜靜看一會兒眼前匆忙的世界。

5. Your Favorite Tunes 你最喜歡的音樂 Has someone told you to snap out of it? Listening to your tunes can instantly put you in a cheerful mood and boost your productivity. So turn up the beat and dance out your negative thoughts. 有人曾勸你打起精神來嗎?聽自己最喜歡的歌能夠瞬間讓你振奮起來,促使你提高工作效率。

6. The Ease At Which You Can Connect With Family And Friends 打電話給家人或朋友的愜意 Put your technology to good use. Connect with people on a more personal level and make a phone call! Hearing from old friends or family can be a comfort you didn't know you needed. 好好利用你手邊的科技產(chǎn)品。用一種更親密的方式聯(lián)系別人,打個電話!聽到老朋友或親人的聲音是一種你并不自知的需要。

7. Your Favorite Treat 你最喜歡的點心 Be it ice cream, chocolate, gummies or all the above, it's OK to indulge in a moment of sweetness. Instead of feeling guilty, savor and love every bite -- you deserve it. 無論你最愛的是冰淇淋、巧克力、口香糖還是上述全部,你可以縱容自己享受甜蜜一刻。不要有負罪感,享受并且珍愛每一次咀嚼的滋味——你值得擁有。

8. The Sunset 落日 There is something about a sunset that gives us peace. While so many of us are rushing to finish work or get dinner on the table, the earth is giving us a great gift -- a moment of pure, unfiltered beauty. 落日有一種特別的正能量,能使我們感覺平靜。當如此多的人在趕著完成工作、準備晚餐時,地球賜予了我們一份美妙的禮物——這一刻返璞歸真的美景。
