鐣�(d膩ng)鍓嶄綅缃細 棣栭爜(y猫) > 鑱风ū鑻辫獮(y菙) > 鑱风ū鑻辫獮(y菙)鑰冭│鎶€宸� > 2016骞磋伔绋辫嫳瑾�(y菙)鑰冭│銆婂畬鎴愬彞瀛愩€嬬壒榛�(di菐n)鍙婅В椤屾妧宸�


鏇存柊鏅�(sh铆)闁擄細2015-12-10 11:50:58 渚�(l谩i)婧愶細|0 鐎忚0鏀惰棌0
鎽樿 2016骞磋伔绋辫嫳瑾�(y菙)鍌欒€冨悇椤屽瀷鐗归粸(di菐n)鍙婄瓟椤屾妧宸у尟绺�锛屼緵鑰冪敓鍙冭€�銆�




銆€銆€琚伕闋�(xi脿ng)瑾�(y菙)娉曠壒寰佷竴鑷�; 閲濆皪(du矛)鏂囩珷涓殑闀�(zh菐ng)鍙ワ紝瑙€榛�(di菐n)鍙�锛屾鎷彞锛屾垨閲嶈鐨勭窗(x矛)绡€(ji茅)鍙ヨō(sh猫)缃€冮粸(di菐n);鏂囩珷闁�(k膩i)闋�/鏂囩珷绲�(ji茅)灏�/娈佃惤闁�(k膩i)闋�/娈佃惤绲�(ji茅)灏捐檿甯歌ō(sh猫)鑰冮粸(di菐n)銆�



銆€銆€2.闂�(gu膩n)娉ㄦ枃绔犱腑瀹规槗瑷�(sh猫)缃偤鑰冮粸(di菐n)鐨勮獮(y菙)鍙ユ垨鍊熷姪绌烘牸鍓嶅悗绲�(ji茅)妲�(g貌u)涓殑鐗瑰緛瑭�/绱�(x矛)绡€(ji茅)淇℃伅瑭炲叡鍚屼綔鐐虹瓟妗堢窔绱�锛� 鍦ㄦ枃绔犱腑鏌ユ壘绛旀鐩搁棞(gu膩n)鍙�锛岀⒑瑾�(r猫n)绛旀銆�



銆€銆€Is There a Way to Keep the Britain鈥瞫 Economy Growing?

銆€銆€1 In today鈥瞫 knowledge economy, nations survive on the things they do best.Japanese design electronics while Germens export engineering techniques.The French serve the best food and Americans make computers.

銆€銆€2 Britain specializes in the gift of talking.The nation doesn鈥瞭 manufacture much of anything.But it has lawyers锛宻tylists and business consultants who earn their living from talk talk and more talk.The World Foundation think tank says the UK鈥瞫 four iconic jobs today are not scientists锛宔ngineers锛宼eachers and nurses.Instead锛宼hey鈥瞨e hairdressers锛� celebrities锛� management consultants and managers.But can all this talking keep the British economy going? The British government thinks it can.

銆€銆€3 Although the country鈥瞫 trade deficit was more than 锟� 60 billion in 2006锛孶K鈥瞫 largest in the postwar period锛宱fficials say the country has nothing to worry about.In fact锛孊ritain does have a world-class pharmaceutical industry‚and it still makes a small sum from selling arms abroad.It also trades services-accountancy锛宨nsurance锛宐anking and advertising.The government believes Britain is on the cutting edge of the knowledge economy.After all锛宮e country of Shakespeare and Wordsworth has a literary tradition of which to be proud.Rock鈥榥鈥檙oll is an English language medium锛宎nd there are billions to be made by their cutting-edge bands.In other words锛宼he creative economy has plenty of strength to carry the British economy.

銆€銆€4 However, creative industries account for only about 4 percent of UK鈥瞫 exports of goods and services.The industries are finding it hard to make a profit锛宎ccording to a report of the National Endowment for Science锛孴echnology and the Arts The report shows only 38 percent of British companies were engaged in "innovation activities"锛�3 percentage points below the EU average and well below Germany(61 percent)and Sweden(47 percent).

銆€銆€5 In fact锛宨t might be better to call Britain a 鈥渟ervant鈥漞conomy-there are at least 4 million people鈥渋n service鈥�.The majority of the population are employed by the rich to cook锛宑lean锛� and take care of their children.Many graduates are even doing menial jobs for which they do not need a degree.Most employment growth has been锛宎nd will continue to be锛宎t the low-skill end of the service sector-in shops锛宐ars锛宧otels锛宒omestic service and in nursing and care homes.

銆€銆€1.Paragraph 2___

銆€銆€2.Paragraph 3___

銆€銆€3.Paragraph 4___

銆€銆€4.Paragraph 5___

銆€銆€A Growth of Economy

銆€銆€B 鈥淪ervant鈥� Economy

銆€銆€C Strength of the Creative Economy

銆€銆€D Weakness of the Creative Economy

銆€銆€E Gift of talking

銆€銆€F Export of Talking Machines

銆€銆€5.Every country has its own way.__.

銆€銆€6.The British government doesn't seem__.

銆€銆€7.The creative industries find it difficult__.

銆€銆€8.Many graduates are employed__.

銆€銆€A to find jobs

銆€銆€B to do low-skill lobs

銆€銆€C to feed its people

銆€銆€D to handle disputes

銆€銆€E to make a profit

銆€銆€F to worry about the British economy


銆€銆€1.鍒嗘瀽鏂囩珷妯�(bi膩o)椤岋細Is there a way(鏂规硶)to keep(淇濇寔锛屼繚瀛�锛岄伒瀹�) the Britain鈥檚 economy(缍�(j墨ng)婵�(j矛)) growing(澧為暦(zh菐ng)锛� 鎴愰暦(zh菐ng))?

銆€銆€鏂囩珷涓婚瑭烇細way, Britain锛宔conomy, grow

銆€銆€2. 鍒嗘瀽灏忔(bi膩o)椤屽倷閬搁爡(xi脿ng)锛�

銆€銆€A Growth of Economy

銆€銆€B 鈥淪ervant(浠嗕汉)鈥� Economy

銆€銆€C Strength(鍔涙埃锛� 瀵�(sh铆)鍔�) of the Creative(鍓�(chu脿ng)閫犳€х殑) Economy

銆€銆€D Weakness (寮遍粸(di菐n))of the Creative Economy

銆€銆€E Gift(绂墿锛� 鎵嶈兘) of talking

銆€銆€F Export(鍑哄彛)of Talking Machines(鐣欒伈姗�(j墨))

銆€銆€鍒嗘瀽锛欳鍜孌; E鍜孎鍒嗗垾鐐虹浉闂�(gu膩n)閬搁爡(xi脿ng)锛� 寰炰腑鍑虹従(xi脿n)绛旀鐨勫彲鑳芥€ц純澶�銆侲鍒濈湅璧蜂締(l谩i)锛屽亸闆㈡枃绔犱富椤�锛� 鎴愮偤绛旀鐨勫彲鑳芥€ц純灏�銆�


銆€銆€A Growth of Economy

銆€銆€B 鈥淪ervant(浠嗕汉)鈥� Economy

銆€銆€C Strength(鍔涙埃锛� 瀵�(sh铆)鍔�) of the Creative(鍓�(chu脿ng)閫犳€х殑) Economy

銆€銆€D Weakness (寮遍粸(di菐n))of the Creative Economy

銆€銆€E Gift(绂墿锛� 鎵嶈兘) of talking

銆€銆€F Export(鍑哄彛)of Talking Machines(鐣欒伈姗�(j墨))

銆€銆€1.Paragraph 2___

銆€銆€2 Britain specializes in (灏堟敾锛屾搮闀�(zh菐ng)浜�)the gift (鎵嶈兘)of talking The nation doesn鈥瞭 manufacture much of anything.But it has lawyers锛宻tylists and business consultants who earn their living from talk, talk and more talk.The World Foundation think tank says the UK鈥瞫 four iconic jobs today are not scientists锛宔ngineers锛宼eachers and nurses.Instead锛宼hey鈥瞨e hairdressers锛� celebrities锛� management consultants and managers.But(浣嗘槸) can all this talking(璜�?w霉)? keep the British economy going? The British government(鏀垮簻) thinks it can.

銆€銆€1.E. talk 閫欏€�(g猫)瑭炰篃鍦ㄦ钀戒腑澶氭鍑虹従(xi脿n)锛� 鍑虹従(xi脿n)浜�5娆�锛岃€屼笖?gu墨)缂€韪夎蔼鐏も敱楹勨偓(g猫)娈佃惤鍑虹従(xi脿n)锛� 鍥犳鏄钀戒富椤岃锛� 鍥犳E鎴朏鍙兘鏄瓟妗�銆傛棣栧彞鍙婃灏惧彞鍧囪垏E鐩搁棞(gu膩n)锛� 鎰忕京涓€鑷�锛� 鍥犳E鏄瓟妗�銆傚緸娈佃惤鍏烽珨鍏�(n猫i)瀹逛笂鐪嬶細绗簩娈电殑绗竴鍊�(g猫)鍙ュ瓙瑾�(shu艒)鈥滆嫳鍦�(gu贸)鐨勭壒闀�(zh菐ng)鏄湁瑾�(shu艒)瑭辩殑澶╄肠鈥�銆傛帴涓嬩締(l谩i)灏辨槸鍏烽珨瑾�(shu艒)鏄庤(shu艒)瑭卞ぉ璩﹀湪缍�(j墨ng)婵�(j矛)涓殑琛ㄧ従(xi脿n)鏂归潰銆傜暥(d膩ng)鐒�锛屼綔鑰呮渶鍚庡皪(du矛)閫欎簺瑾�(shu艒)瑭辫妤�(y猫)鑳藉惁淇濇寔鑻卞湅(gu贸)缍�(j墨ng)婵�(j矛)鐨勯亱(y霉n)杞�(zhu菐n)鎻愬嚭浜嗙枒鍟�(w猫n)銆備絾鏄叾涓婚鎬濇兂浠嶇劧鏄湪璎涜(shu艒)瑭卞ぉ璩�銆�

銆€銆€A Growth of Economy

銆€銆€B 鈥淪ervant(浠嗕汉)鈥� Economy

銆€銆€C Strength(鍔涙埃锛� 瀵�(sh铆)鍔�) of the Creative(鍓�(chu脿ng)閫犳€х殑) Economy

銆€銆€D Weakness (寮遍粸(di菐n))of the Creative Economy

銆€銆€F Export(鍑哄彛)of Talking Machines(鐣欒伈姗�(j墨))

銆€銆€2.Paragraph 3___

銆€銆€3 Although the country鈥瞫 trade deficit was more than 锟� 60 billion in 2006锛孶K鈥瞫 largest in the postwar period锛宱fficials say the country has nothing to worry about.In fact锛孊ritain does have a world-class pharmaceutical industry‚and it still makes a small sum from selling arms abroad.It also trades services-accountancy锛宨nsurance锛宐anking and advertising.The government(鏀垮簻) believes(鐩镐俊) Britain is on the cutting edge of (鍦�...鐨勯倞绶�)the knowledge(鐭ヨ瓨(sh铆)锛� 浜嗚В) economy.After all(鐣㈢珶)锛宼he country of Shakespeare(鑾庡+姣斾簽) and Wordsworth(娌冭尣娌冩柉) has a literary(鏂囧(xu茅)鐨�) tradition(鍌崇当(t菕ng)) of which to be proud(浠�...鐐鸿嚜璞�).Rock鈥榥鈥檙oll is an English language medium锛宎nd there are billions to be made by their cutting-edge bands.In other words(鎻涘彞瑭辫(shu艒))锛宼he creative (鍓�(chu脿ng)閫犳€х殑)economy has plenty of(澶ч噺鐨�)strength(瀵�(sh铆)鍔�) to carry (鏀滃付锛岄亱(y霉n)杓革紝 鏀寔)the British economy.

銆€銆€2.C . 娈靛熬鍙ユ槸瑭叉涓婚鍙�銆傝┎娈佃(shu艒)锛氳嫳鍦�(gu贸)鏄憲鍚嶄綔瀹禨hakespeare鍜學ordsworth鐨勬晠閯�(xi膩ng)锛屼粬鍊戜互鍙婅嫳鍦�(gu贸)鐨勬悥婊炬▊(l猫)鍦�(tu谩n)鍓�(chu脿ng)閫犱簡澶ч噺鐨勭簿绁炶病(c谩i)瀵岋紝涔熺偤鑻卞湅(gu贸)璩哄緱浜嗗ぇ閲忕殑閷�锛岄’绀轰簡鍓�(chu脿ng)閫犳€х稉(j墨ng)婵�(j矛)鐨勫姏閲�銆傜敱姝や篃鍙湅鍑篊鏄瓟妗�銆�


銆€銆€A Growth of Economy

銆€銆€B 鈥淪ervant(浠嗕汉)鈥� Economy

銆€銆€D Weakness (寮遍粸(di菐n))of the Creative Economy

銆€銆€F Export(鍑哄彛)of Talking Machines(鐣欒伈姗�(j墨))

銆€銆€3.Paragraph 4___

銆€銆€4 However(鐒惰€�), creative industries account for(鍗�锛� 瑙i噵) only(鍍呭儏) about 4 percent(鐧惧垎?j菒n)?sh霉)) of UK鈥瞫 exports of goods(鍟嗗搧) and services(鏈嶅嫏(w霉)).The industries(琛屾キ(y猫)锛屽伐妤�(y猫)) are finding(鐧�(f膩)鐝�(xi脿n))it hard(鍥伴洠寰�锛� 纭殑) to make a profit(鐩堝埄)锛宎ccording to(鏍规摎(j霉)) a report(鍫�(b脿o)鍛�) of the National(鍦�(gu贸)瀹剁殑锛屾皯鏃忕殑) Endowment(鍩洪噾鏈�(hu矛)) for Science(绉戝(xu茅))锛孴echnology(鎶€琛�(sh霉)) and the Arts(钘濊(sh霉)). The report shows only 38 percent of British companies were engaged in "innovation activities"锛�3 percentage points below the EU average and well below Germany(61 percent)and Sweden(47 percent).

銆€銆€3.D. 绗洓娈电殑绗簩鍊�(g猫)鍙ュ瓙鏄钀戒富椤屽彞(娆�(qu谩n)濞佹(j墨)妲�(g貌u)鐨勮榛�(di菐n))锛岃┎鍙ヨ瑳杩扳€滃壍(chu脿ng)閫犺妤�(y猫)鐨勫急榛�(di菐n)锛� 寰堥洠鐩堝埄鈥�锛屽洜姝鏄瓟妗�銆�


銆€銆€A Growth of Economy

銆€銆€B 鈥淪ervant(浠嗕汉)鈥� Economy

銆€銆€F Export(鍑哄彛)of Talking Machines(鐣欒伈姗�(j墨))

銆€銆€4.Paragraph 5___

銆€銆€5 In fact(瀵�(sh铆)浜嬩笂)锛宨t might be better(鏇村ソ鐨�) to call(绋卞懠) Britain a 鈥渟ervant鈥漞conomy-there are at least (鑷冲皯)4 million(鐧捐惉(w脿n)) people鈥渋n service(浣滃公宸�, 鍦ㄨ粛涓湇褰�)鈥�.The majority of the population are employed by the rich to cook锛宑lean锛� and take care of their children.Many graduates are even doing menial jobs for which they do not need a degree.Most employment growth has been锛宎nd will continue to be锛宎t the low-skill end of the service sector-in shops锛宐ars锛宧otels锛宒omestic service and in nursing and care homes.

銆€銆€4.B. 绗洓娈电殑绗竴鍊�(g猫)鍙ュ瓙鏄富椤屽彞锛欼n fact锛宨t might be better to call Britain a 鈥渟ervant鈥� economy-there are at least 4 million people鈥渋n service鈥�.瑭插彞瑾�(shu艒)鈥滃(sh铆)闅涗笂锛屾妸鑻卞湅(gu贸)鐨勭稉(j墨ng)婵�(j矛)鍙仛鏈嶅嫏(w霉)缍�(j墨ng)婵�(j矛)鏇存伆鐣�(d膩ng)涓€浜涗竴鍥�?y脿n)姗硅窘鍎嗗叴闄屽亙f(w脿n)浜哄湪鍋氭湇鍕�(w霉)鎬у伐浣溾€�銆傚洜姝ら伕B銆�


銆€銆€A to find jobs

銆€銆€B to do low-skill(浣庢妧琛�(sh霉)鐨�) jobs

銆€銆€C to feed (椋奸(y菐ng))its people

銆€銆€D to handle(铏曠悊锛� 鎼亱(y霉n)) disputes(鐖�(zh膿ng)璜�锛� 杈珫)

銆€銆€E to make a profit(鐩堝埄)

銆€銆€F to worry about (鎿�(d膩n)蹇�)the British economy(缍�(j墨ng)婵�(j矛))

銆€銆€5.Every country(鍦�(gu贸)瀹�) has its own way__.

銆€銆€5.C. 瑭查鐨勭瓟妗堢浉闂�(gu膩n)鍙ュ湪绗竴娈碉細In today鈥瞫 knowledge(鐭ヨ瓨(sh铆)) economy, nations survive(鐢熷瓨锛屽垢瀛�) on(渚濋潬) the things(浜嬫儏) they do best.瑭插彞瑾�(shu艒)锛氬湪浠婂ぉ鐨勭煡璀�(sh铆)缍�(j墨ng)婵�(j矛)鏅�(sh铆)浠�锛屽悇鍊�(g猫)鍦�(gu贸)瀹剁敓瀛樹簬鑷繁鐨勫挤(qi谩ng)闋�(xi脿ng)銆傚洜姝ら伕to feed its people 椁�(y菐ng)娲昏嚜宸辩殑浜烘皯銆�

銆€銆€A to find jobs

銆€銆€B to do low-skill(浣庢妧琛�(sh霉)鐨�) jobs

銆€銆€D to handle(铏曠悊锛� 鎼亱(y霉n)) disputes(鐖�(zh膿ng)璜�锛� 杈珫)

銆€銆€E to make a profit(鐩堝埄)

銆€銆€F to worry about (鎿�(d膩n)蹇�)the British economy(缍�(j墨ng)婵�(j矛))

銆€銆€6.The British government(鏀垮簻) doesn't seem(浼间箮)__.

銆€銆€6.F. 鍒╃敤鍟�(w猫n)椤屽彞涓殑鐗瑰緛瑭濨ritish government 浣滅偤绛旀绶氱储锛� 鍦ㄦ枃绔犱腑鎵惧埌绛旀鐩搁棞(gu膩n)鍙ワ細(绗簩娈电殑鏈€鍚庡叐鍙ヨ┍)But can all this talking(璜�?w霉)? keep the British economy going? The British government thinks it can.浣嗘槸锛屾墍鏈夐€欎箞瑾�(shu艒)瑭辫兘璁撹嫳鍦�(gu贸)鐨勭稉(j墨ng)婵�(j矛)閬�(y霉n)杞�(zhu菐n)鍡�?鑻卞湅(gu贸)鏀垮簻瑾�(r猫n)鐐烘槸鍙互鐨�銆傜敱姝ゅ彲鎺ㄦ柗鍑猴細鑻卞湅(gu贸)鏀垮簻濂藉儚骞朵笉鎿�(d膩n)蹇冭嫳鍦�(gu贸)鐨勭稉(j墨ng)婵�(j矛)銆傛墍浠鏄皪(du矛)鐨�銆�

銆€銆€A to find jobs

銆€銆€B to do low-skill(浣庢妧琛�(sh霉)鐨�) jobs

銆€銆€D to handle(铏曠悊锛� 鎼亱(y霉n)) disputes(鐖�(zh膿ng)璜�锛� 杈珫)

銆€銆€E to make a profit(鐩堝埄)

銆€銆€7.The creative(鍓�(chu脿ng)閫犵殑) industries(琛屾キ(y猫)) find it difficult(鍥伴洠鐨�)__.

銆€銆€7.E. 閫欏€�(g猫)鍟�(w猫n)椤岀洿鎺ユ秹鍙婄4娈垫钀戒富椤屽彞锛歍he industries are finding it hard to make a profit锛宎ccording to a report of the National Endowment for Science锛孴echnology and the Arts.鏍规摎(j霉)鍦�(gu贸)瀹剁瀛�(xu茅)銆佹妧琛�(sh霉)鍜岃棟琛�(sh霉)鎹愯磮(z猫ng)濮斿摗鏈�(hu矛)鐨勪竴浠藉牨(b脿o)鍛�锛岄€欎簺鍓�(chu脿ng)閫犳€ц妤�(y猫)鍦ㄧ嵅寰楀埄娼�(r霉n)涓婂緢鍥伴洠銆�

銆€銆€A to find jobs

銆€銆€B to do low-skill(浣庢妧琛�(sh霉)鐨�) jobs

銆€銆€D to handle(铏曠悊锛� 鎼亱(y霉n)) disputes(鐖�(zh膿ng)璜�锛� 杈珫)

銆€銆€8.Many graduates(鐣㈡キ(y猫)鐢�)are employed(琚泧鐢�)__.

銆€銆€8.B . 鍒╃敤鍟�(w猫n)椤屽彞涓秹鍙婁慨椋剧祼(ji茅)妲�(g貌u)鐨勭窗(x矛)绡€(ji茅)淇℃伅瑭瀖any graduates(瑷卞鐣㈡キ(y猫)鐢�)浣滅偤绛旀绶氱储锛� 鍦ㄦ枃绔犵浜旀涓壘鍒扮瓟妗堢浉闂�(gu膩n)鍙�:Many graduates are even doing menial(浠嗕汉鐨�) jobs for(灏�(du矛)浜�) which they do not need a degree(瀛�(xu茅)浣�).瑷卞鐣㈡キ(y猫)鐢熺敋鑷冲湪鍋氫笉闇€瑕佸(xu茅)浣嶇殑浠嗕汉鐨勬椿銆備粏浜虹殑娲绘槸灞簬浣庢妧琛�(sh霉)鐨勬椿锛屽洜姝鏄纰虹殑銆�







鍒嗕韩鍒帮細 绶ㄨ集锛氱挵(hu谩n)鐞冪恫(w菐ng)鏍�

璩囨枡涓嬭級 绮鹃伕瑾茬▼ 鑰佸斧鐩存挱 鐪熼绶寸繏(x铆)


鑱风ū鑻辫獮(y菙)姝峰勾鐪熼涓嬭級 鏇村

鑱风ū鑻辫獮(y菙)姣忔棩涓€绶� 鎵撳崱鏃ユ



鐠�(hu谩n)鐞冪恫(w菐ng)鏍$Щ鍕�(d貌ng)瑾插爞APP 鐩存挱銆佽伣(t墨ng)瑾�銆傝伔閬�(d谩)鏈締(l谩i)锛�










閹劌鍑$紒蹇斿灇閸旂喖顣╃痪锟� 閼板啳鐦惌顓濅繆閹绘劙鍟�