來源: 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 2019-09-15 07:50:00 頻道: 新概念

What's the difference between a little lie and a whopper of a lie? If you say either the intention behind the lie or the ramifications of the lie, you're right in line with what most people believe the difference to be。


Here's another question: What do a little lie and a whopper of a lie have in common? Answer: They're both not the truth and if you're in sales and actually want to have long term success, anything short of the truth WILL hurt you。


Here's how。


Setting the Groundwork for More Lies


Lies are sticky things. Telling just one small lie to a customer or to a prospect probably won't do much harm as long as the lie truly is a harmless, little lie. For example, telling an angry, irate customer that you were working on their issue right when the customer called you when you were actually doing something completely different, is probably a harmless lie. Your intention behind the lie were probably to calm the customer down and give him the impression that your customer's problems are your problems and "there's no time like the present" to get things resolved。


Only the issue remains that it was not the truth. If your customer calms right down and appreciates your focus and attention to solving the problem, you're going to get some positive feedback, teaching you that telling lies, no matter how well intended or small, can be a good thing。


This can and most likely will lead to telling more lies. And once you get something rolling downhill, you're going to find that stopping it is a whole lot harder than getting it going。


Lies Create Expectations


When you tell a lie to a customer or prospect, you are often creating expectations that you may or may not be able to live up to. Lies are all about over promising and under delivering while you should be focusing on under promising and over delivering。


Beyond the obvious problem that telling a lie created for you when you realize that you cannot, in fact, deliver on your promise, another challenge is created. When you can't fulfill the promise of your lie, you are forced to either own up to your dishonesty or, you guessed it, TELL MORE LIES!


Lies are not only sticky things, they are also masters of reproduction and duplication. Lies are seldom lonely creatures: they almost always travel in packs!


Lies Have Teeth


Eventually, many believe that all lies come back and bit the liar in the end. Whether the bite is felt when your customer catches you in the lie, when your sales manager hears about your creativity with the truth or when your web of lies is so twisted that you can't remember what was and what wasn't the truth, lies have teeth and they know how to use them。


Perpetuating the Public Image


Sales professionals have a hard enough time overcoming the general public image that they all lie, are out for their own interests and are simply not an honest lot without you adding more fuel to the fire. Take it from one tenured sales professional: Lying to your customers is NEVER a good thing to do。


Even if your lie never comes back to bite you and even if you are certain that you wouldn't have closed a particular deal without having told a lie, your dishonesty has hurt you。


1,Lying weakens your sales skills by making it easier for you to close a sale or to advance a prospect to the next steps in the sales cycle。


2,Telling lies increases stress because after telling a lie, you need to be on your guard to prevent the truth from getting out。


3,Lying, whether you recognize it or not, hurts your self esteem, teaching you to believe that you are not good at sales unless you stretch the truth


Moral ramifications aside, when you lie to a customer, you are doing much more damage than good. You will be far better off losing a sale honestly than winning a sale using lies。

