鈶� The workers found Bob\'s attitude hard to stomach.
鈶� The parachutist had to nerve himself for the jump from his helicopter.
鈶� A few poor children had been dogging the tourists for some time.
鈶� Tuition schools have mushroomed for the last two years.
鈶� The traitor was knifed and stoned to death.
鈶� I leafed through a few pages of the book to see what it was about.
鈶� Personality clashes surfaced among some rival leaders.
鈶� Tom elbowed his way through the crowd.
鈶� It is impolite to ape one\'s superiors.
鈶� Delicious food made our mouths water.
鈶� The innocent girl was having a good cry.
鈶� Active people are always on the go.
鈶� I often have a quiet read before going to bed.
鈶� People from all walks of life condemned a bad government.
鈶� Famine came in the wake of the drought.
鈶� The manager gave some lazy workers the sack.
鈶� Let me take a good look at these photos.
鈶� A visit to the Jurong Bird Park is a must for any tourist.
鈶� War is loathed by the haves and the have-nots.
鈶� If you have anything to discuss with me, don\'t hesitate to give me a ring.
鈶� Don\'t idle away your precious time.
鈶� Father\'s hair begins to grey.
鈶� How to quiet a fretful child?
鈶� We have no intention of seeing an innocent person humbled.
鈶� Something must be done to better the life of the underprivileged.
鈶� Language skills can be perfected by constant practice and regular reinforcement.
鈶� The robber wanted his victim to empty his pockets.
鈶� When the enemy\'s ships neared the land, our soldiers began to attack.
鈶� The man\'s muscles tensed as he saw the snake approaching him.
鈶� The hot weather soured the fresh milk.
鈶� The strong tend to bully the weak.
鈶� Poor innocents deserve our greatest sympathy.
鈶ichard looked like a silly in such a situation.
鈶� The secretary knows the ins and outs of the matter.
鈶� Do you know the whys and wherefores of the accident?
鈶� Though a rich man now, Peter\'s earlier life was marked by ups and downs.
涓婅堪閫欎簺杞�(zhu菐n)鍖栧悕瑭�锛屽苟鏈叿鏈夊悕瑭炲叏閮ㄧ殑鐗规€�銆備緥濡�“the strong”鍜�“the weak”褰㈠紡鏄柈鏁�(sh霉)锛屾剰鎬濇槸寰╂暩(sh霉)銆傞倓鏈夆懀-鈶ラ€欎簺杞�(zhu菐n)鍖栧悕瑭炴棦鏈夊京鏁�(sh霉)涔嬪舰锛屼篃鍏峰京鏁�(sh霉)涔嬫剰銆�
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