來源: 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 2019-12-31 10:53:38 頻道: 新概念

When you're just starting your career, you need all the help you can get managing your time. Even when you're working hard, you could be wasting a tremendous amount of time either by trying to multitask or by focusing too much on minute details。


Below, we've explained some of best time-management tips everyone should learn in their 20s。


1. There's always time. Time is priorities。

1. 時間是用不盡的,把時間擺在首位。

You never run out of time. If you didn't finish something by the time it was due, it's because you didn't consider it urgent or enjoyable enough to prioritize ahead of whatever else you were doing。


2. Days always fill up faster than you'd expect。

2. 時間總是過得比你想象的要快。

Build in some buffer time. As the founder of Ruby on Rails, David Heinemeier Hansson, said, "Only plan on four to five hours of real work per day."

設置一段緩沖時間。就像Ruby on Rails公司的創(chuàng)始人大[微博]衛(wèi)·漢森所說的:“每天只需計劃4到5個小時的工作就夠了。”

3. Work more when you're in the zone. Relax when you're not。

3. 在單位多做工作,回家就放松。

Some days, you'll be off your game, and other times, you'll be able to maintain your focus for 12 hours straight. Take advantage of those days。


4. Stop multitasking. It kills your focus。

4. 不要同時做多項工作,這會分散你的注意力。

There have been academic studies that found the brain expends energy as it readjusts its focus from one item to the next. If you're spending your day multitasking, you're exhausting your brain。


5. We're always more focused and productive with limited time。

5. 有時間限制的時候我們會更專心,效率更高。

Work always seems to find a way of filling the space allotted for it, so set shorter time limits for each task。


6. Work is the best way to get working. Start with small tasks to get the ball rolling。

6. 進入工作狀態(tài)最好的方式就是開始工作。從小任務開始逐步進入狀態(tài)。

The business plan you need to finish may be intimidating at 8 in the morning. Get your mind on the right path with easy tasks, such as answering important work emails。


7. Expectations to do things perfectly are stifling。

7. 預想完美地完成任務會讓你倍感壓力。

General George S. Patton once said, "A good plan executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week."


8. More work hours doesn't mean more productivity. Use constraints as opportunities。

8. 工作時間長不代表產(chǎn)量高。把約束當做機遇。

Don't kid yourself into thinking that sitting at your desk will somehow extract work from you. Do whatever you can to finish your current task by the end of regular work hours instead of working into the night。


9. Separate brainless and strategic tasks to become more productive。

9. 將非腦力勞動和腦力勞動分開,這樣效率更高。

Ideally, you can brainstorm your ideas and then execute them. If you're constantly stopping your flow of work to rethink something, you're slowing yourself down。


10. Organize important meetings early in the day. Time leading up to an event is often wasted。

10. 盡早安排重要會議。等待是最浪費時間的。

If you have an important meeting scheduled for 4 p.m., it's easy for anxiety to set in and keep that meeting at the front of your mind. Try to get big meetings over with early so you can work without worrying about them。


11. Schedule meetings and communication by email or phone back-to-back to create blocks of uninterrupted work。

11. 安排一段時間只開會、發(fā)郵件或電話溝通。

You'll disrupt your flow if you're reaching out to people throughout the day。


12. Work around procrastination。

12. 克服拖延癥。

Try Francesco Cirillo's Pomodoro Technique. Pomodoro is Italian for tomato, and the technique's name refers to the tomato-shaped cooking timer Cirillo used to break his work into 25-minute increments with five-minute breaks in between. You can use the same idea with your own increments, as long as they inspire bursts of hard work。


13. Break down a massive task into manageable blocks。

13. 將任務量大的任務分成幾個小任務。

Alabama football coach Nick Saban follows a similar philosophy he calls the Process. Instead of having his players focus on winning the championship, he trains them to focus on only what is directly in front of them。


14. No two tasks ever hold the same importance. Always prioritize。

14. 沒有兩項工作是同等重要的。權衡輕重緩急。

Daily to-do lists are effective ways of scheduling your day. Just do what you can to keep bullet points from making "clean desk" on par with "file taxes."


15. Always know the one thing you really need to get done during the day。

15. 清楚你當天必做的一件事情。

Determine which task in front of you is most important, and focus your energy on getting that done as soon as possible。


16. Learn to make use of other people。

16. 學會讓別人幫你做事。

To be truly efficient, get over the fear of handing off work to someone else。


17. Turn the page on yesterday. Only ever think about today and tomorrow。

17. 翻過昨天,只想今天和明天。

Don't distract yourself with either the successes or failures of the past. Focus instead on what's in front of you。


18. Set deadlines for everything。

18. 為每件事都設一個最后期限。

Spending too much time on a project or keeping it on the backburner for too long will lead to stagnation. Get things done and move on。


19. Always take notes。


Don't assume you'll remember every good idea that comes into your head during the day. It doesn't matter if it's a notebook, whiteboard, or an app like Evernote--just write stuff down。


20. Write down any unrelated thoughts that pop up when you're in the zone, so that they don't linger as distractions。

20. 工作的時候記下任何突然出現(xiàn)在腦子里的想法,這樣它們就不會停在腦子里讓你分心了。

You'll get them out of the way without losing them。

